Symposium on KISTI’s DOI RA launching for Korean Scientific Societies
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information(KISTI) held an explanatory meeting in Seoul, on August 30, 2016 for 274 steering committee members from 139 scholarly societies to inform Korea DOI Center’s DOI registration plan on Korean journal articles and their components. The meeting was the first full scale promotion event for DOI registration since KISTI became a DOI Registration Agency(RA). The meeting included a mix of lectures, 1) Introduction to International DOI Foundation (IDF), 2) Introduction to Japan Link Center(JaLC), 3) KISTI’s role and future plan as a DOI RA, 4) Current status of DOI registration for Korean journal articles, and 5) Altmetrics and DOI. Discussions revolved around collaboration between KISTI and scholarly societies on evaluating and internationalizing their journals.