2023 계명대학교 간호과학연구소 제30회 국제학술대회

Report on the Activities of Korean Council of Science Editors (KCSE)

1. 2021 11th Regular General Meeting and Academic Conference (online, January 22)

  • Keynote : COVID-19 pandemic analyzed by mathematical modeling
  • Poster presentation
  • Oral presentation

2. Basic Course for Manuscript Editors (online, March 10 – April 28)3. Publication Ethics Online Workshop (2021-E01, April 23)

  • Subject: Changing Research and Publishing Ethics
  • Research Ethics changed by the R&D Innovation Act
  • How to use the Sound Academic Activity Support System (SAFE)
  • Recommendations for ethical academic publishing (guide to publication ethics)

4. Online workshop for registration on Scopus (Science and Engineering, July 2)

  • Scopus registration procedure and screening criteria
  • Scopus publishing ethics standard
  • Group review of the journal registration review practice according to the pre-evaluation form
  • Group presentation
  • Comprehensive discussion

5. 5th Online Korean Manuscript Editor Certification Exam (July 16)6. Publication Ethics Online Workshop (2021-E02, August 20)

  • Topic: A Study on the Regulations on Ethics for Research and Publication Required for Journal Publication
  • Transparency principles and processing standards in academic publishing
  • Reorganization of various international standards: A review of domestic academic journals
  • Copyright law, disclaimer, and license clause required for publication in a journal
  • Overseas DB (database) listing strategy: A review of domestic academic journals

7. How to Register and Update the Open Access Journal DOAJ (Online, August 27)

  • 16 principles of transparency of best practice
  • DOAJ registration and update

8. 10th Anniversary Online Workshop (September 8)

  • Keynote : Role and Status of Academic Publishers in 10 Years
  • Predicting the impact of AI on the journal publishing market in 10 years
  • Manuscript editors’ role for the next decade
  • How will domestic publishers survive 10 years from now?
  • Preparing Korean Journal Editors for the Next 10 Years
  • Evolution of Scopus over the next decade
  • Plan S : Estimating future developments
  • Role of Crossref in journal publishing over the next decade

9. Online workshop for registration on Scopus (Humanities and Social Sciences, October 28-29)

  • Terms related to academic publication
  • Scopus listing criteria
  • Editorial policy related to journal publication
  • Session 1 (Humanities)
  • Things to consider when listing on Scopus (problems in academic journals in the humanities)
  • Scopus listing experience (Humanities)
  • Session 2 (Social Science)
  • Things to consider when listing on Scopus (problems in social science journals)
  • Scopus listing experience (social science field)
  • Session 3 (Integrated)
  • Reorganization of academic journals and website
  • Questions & Answers ECSAC-Korea (Expert Content Selection & Advisory Committee-Korea) KCSE chairperson, etc.

10. Manuscript Editor Online Workshop (November 4)

  • The concept of reporting guideline and the role of manuscript editor
  • To improve the visibility of journals’ multimedia strategy
  • Authorship and author contribution
  • Preprint and data sharing
  • Table correction (Intermediate)
  • Statistics that manuscript editors should know

11. Editor’s Online Workshop (November 24)

  • How artificial intelligence can assist stakeholders of scholarly publishing?
  • Types and guidelines of expert review
  • Should Open Access journals be registered with DOAJ?
  • Latest knowledge on research and publishing ethics
  • Status of CSAB Scopus inclusion in domestic journals in 2020 and 2021
  • Writing letters and emails in English: correspondence for the editorial office

12. Publishing Ethics Online Workshop (2021-E03, December 10)

  • Research integrity protection and management system
  • Avoiding conflicts of Interest
  • Creating a healthy laboratory culture
  • Ethics for human research and animal testing
  • Questions & Answers and closing

Group photo of the 11th regular general meeting and academic conference in 2021

10th anniversary symposium group photo

10th anniversary symposium group photo

Open Access Journal DOAJ Registration and Update Method group photo

Publishing Ethics Online Workshop (2021-E01) group photo