Kihong Kim
Department of Physics, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea
Online publishing has become a dominant trend in academic journal publishing. It requires an entirely different approach to preserving journal content. The magnetically stored digital information can become corrupted over time and needs to be carefully stored in a well-controlled environment. Many technical problems are also associated with managing complex file structures, which require considerable effort and expense. Digital information should be accurately stored and easily accessible for hundreds of years. This preservation requires careful consideration and research from various aspects of information technology. Establishing a social consensus and norms is essential to ensure the sustainability and openness of academic digital archives. Academic research papers are of great value as a human cultural heritage and are not just the property of copyright holders. After the copyright validity period has passed, it is natural and inevitable that these papers are made open-access and managed by public archives. These archives should be supported by society and managed by dedicated non-profit organizations. Academic digital information is an essential public property that must be preserved for a long time. Now is the time for society to actively discuss the long-term digital preservation of academic information.
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