2023 계명대학교 간호과학연구소 제30회 국제학술대회

Activities of Himpunan Editor Berkala Ilmiah Indonesia (Indonesian Association of Scientific Journal Editors)


  • Member of HEBII (IASJE) = 504 (May 2022)
  • Members are editors of scientific journals in Indonesia
  • Members will be prioritized on relevant HEBII activities. The members will also receive a membership card that is valid for life.


Online Workshops in 2021

Online Workshop II: Increasing the grade of Scientific Journal Accreditation

  • Collaboration IASJE with “Tim Ketahanan Jurnal” Brawijaya University
  • 16 July 2021
  • Speakers: Prof. Dr. Istadi; Prof. Dr. Kuswanto
  • Participants: 201 members and non-members of IASJE/HEBII

Online Workshop III: The Ethics in Writing and Publishing Scientific Manuscripts

  • 13 August 2021
  •  Speakers: dr. L. Aswin Pramono, M.Epid, SpPD (ethical writing in Medicine and Health subject ); Prof. Dr. Rajab Ritonga, M.Si. (ethical writing in social humanities subject)
  • Participants: 182 members of IASJE/HEBII


The congress was held hybrid (online and offline) on January 20, 2022, which was attended by 113 IASJE members.

It was held to discuss several things:

1) Statute & Bylaws of IASJE. There are several revisions in the Status & bylaws HEBII, one of which is the change in the working period of the elected President from two years to four years.

2) Working program of IASJE for the period 2022-2026

3) Organizational devices, including emblem, membership card, committee, and sources of funding

4) The election of IASJE president. Prof. Kuswanto was elected as President of IASJE/HEBII for the period 2022-2026.

IASJEAwards were also presented to Dr. Lukman and Prof. Dr. Istadi for their dedication in developing scientific journals in Indonesia.


  • Prof. Kuswanto
  • Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya
  • Editor in Chief: Agrivita Journal (Scopus Q3)
  • Email: kuswantoas@ub.ac.id

Documentations of Congress III IASJE

Working Program 2022 (New President)

IASJE Meeting

  • 22 February 2022
  • To elect IASJE committee members for the period 2022-2026

Focus Group Discussion

  • FGD on writing international publications in collaboration between IASJE and Hasanuddin University on April 25, 2022
  • Speakers: Prof. Kuswanto, the Editor journal in Hasanuddin University
  • Participants: members of IASJE, students, lecturers, and journal managers in Hasanuddin University

Executive Board of IASJE (2022-2026)

Himpunan Editor Berkala Ilmiah Indonesia (Indonesian Association of Scientific Journal Editors)
Gd. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Jalan Veteran Malang 65141
Email: asosiasieditor@gmail.com; Website: http://Indonesianeditor.org/