As of December 2018, 282 academic associations (351 academic journals) have joined the Korean Council of Science Editors (KCSE) as group members, and 57 persons and 20 institutes have been involved in the KCSE as individual members and special members, respectively (President of KCSE, Hyungsun Kim).
Photo 1. 2018 Regular General Meeting and Conference
The KCSE has endeavored to promote editorial activities and increase the number of council members domestically by publishing newsletters and the Science Editing academic journal while internationally collaborating with the Council of Science Editors (CSE), the European Association of Science Editors (EASE), and Crossref. The KCSE has provided new information on the editing, publishing, printing, and distribution of journals to its members through 12 annual regular workshops and forums, conferences, and on-the-job training and mailings (Photos 1, 2, 3). On November 17, 2018, the Korean Manuscript Editors Certification test was implemented. This test aims to foster skilled and proven manuscript editors to strengthen the expertise of academic publication.
In 2018, Science Editing (Editor-in-chief: Professor Kihong Kim) was listed in Emerging Sources Citation Index and SCOPUS. Jae Hwa Chang (Vice Chair of Planning and Operation committee, KCSE) was appointed as an ambassador for Crossref, and Hyun Jung Yi (Vice Chair of Information Management committee, KCSE), Youngim Jung (Member), and Dr. Hae Lim Rhee were appointed as ambassadors for DOAJ. Sun Huh (Vice President of KCSE) was appointed as an honorary ambassador for DOAJ.
Photo 2. 2018 Workshops for Special Member Editors
Photo 3. Publication Ethics Workshop