2023 계명대학교 간호과학연구소 제30회 국제학술대회

6th Council of Asian Science Editors Executive Board Meeting, Seoul 2019

Place: Seoul, Korea

Date: 1,2 July

Participants: J.I. Jin, J.K. Ha, H.S. Kim, S. Huh, C. Yun, K. Kim, T. Suh, Y. Jung (Korea) D. Basil (India), J. Yang China), T. Nakayama (Japan), W. Komang (Indonesia). R. Subramaniam (Singapore), B.T.Long(Vietnam), Y. Farina(Malaysia), Total 15 persons

Organized and sponsored by CASE and KISTI

* The purpose of this meeting is as follows:

1) Improving understanding of CASE, 2) Understanding of each committee’s activities, 3) Establishing operational plans, 4) Suggesting action plan, 5) Establishing friendship relationships on a personal level, and 6) Recent issues in publishing academic journals.